CMFP Trends


CMFP (Color, Material, Finish, Pattern) trends combine research of macro trend insights, consumer behavior and drivers with progressive, visual, cultural influences to define overarching trends that influence both visual and voice of brand touch points. These trends are pervasive, last many years, and inform product development, art & design, campaigns, marketing messaging, social media aesthetics, copywriting, etc. that goes into a launch. Although not seasonal, they can be used to create fresh twists on seasonal campaigns and launches.


The Creative Studio, made up of multiple design teams each received varying briefs, due dates, and approvals from different business units, was tasked by our SVP to have a singular point of view for all future launches, for aesthetics as well as messaging.


To identify CMFP (Color, Material, Finish, Pattern) trends for the year to inform seasonal creative direction for a unified visual experience for the brand and customer.


Once this CMFP trend deck was created, we presented it to the Creative Studio to provide a foundation to understand trends coming down the pike that would influence their work. From this baseline, we created individual, seasonal trend decks with a singular point of view (see my Holiday Styleguide work) to inspire and inform merchandise, gift cards, marketing campaigns, social, & in-store signage teams.

Our cohesive Holiday launch is an example of this work applied.




  • Secondary trend research across a variety of industries

  • Lead collaboration sessions to identify trends and synthesize research into clear storytelling

  • Deck strategy, template design & art direction


  • Josephine Kimberling, Associate Creative Director & Trend Strategist

  • Trend Strategists: Emilie Bélis, Trista Sydloski-Tesch

  • Copywriter: Francesca Merlini

The Work


Without sharing our secret sauce, what I can tell you is that we combined our macro trend methodology with additional visual research from areas such as runway, technology, trade shows, architecture, music videos, art exhibits and more to create not just a visually compelling deck but also one that answers “why”.

Our final deck identified 5 overarching CMFP trends, each with multiple ways-in. Each way-in comes with it’s own set of drivers, a mood board, and CMFP (color, material, finish, pattern) information.

*Additional details available upon request


Macro Trends


Holiday Campaign Styleguides